Activist Blog

2022-12-20 ::: Probable causal association between Australia’s new regime of high all-cause mortality and its COVID-19 vaccine rollout

By Denis Rancourt, Marine Baudin, Jérémie Mercier

Published at Correlation Research in the Public Interest

ABSTRACT: All-cause mortality by week in Australia shows that there was no detectable excess mortality 13 months into the declared pandemic, followed by a step-wise increase in mortality in mid-April 2021, synchronous with the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine prioritizing elderly, disabled and aboriginal residents. The excess mortality in the vaccination period (mid-April 2021 through August 2022; 14 % larger all-cause mortality than in recent pre-vaccination periods of same time duration; 62 million administered vaccine doses) was 31±1 thousand deaths, which is more than twice the deaths registered as from or with COVID 19. In addition, a sharp peak in all-cause mortality (mid-January to mid-February 2022; 2,600 deaths) is synchronous with the rapid rollout of the booster (9.4 million booster doses, same time period), and is not due to a climatic heatwave. We give thirteen numbered arguments as to why we conclude that the excess mortality in Australia is causally associated with the COVID-19 vaccine. The corresponding vaccine injection fatality ratio (vIFR) is approximately 0.05 %, which we compare to estimated vIFR values from the USA Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and from all-cause mortality data for India, Southern states of the USA, Michigan (USA) and Ontario (Canada).



Rancourt et al 2022 - vaccine wave in AUSTRALIA - article----6d.pdf

FR----GR----Association causale probable entre le nouveau régime australien de mortalité élevéetoutes causes confondues et son déploiement du vacc - Global Research.pdf