3000 ::: Denis Rancourt on climate science and on climate politics (a list of links to my articles and videos)
For a very brief statement see Dr. Rancourt's "My position on climate change", including the relevance to climate activism.
If you are new to Dr. Rancourt's ideas on this topic, START HERE: >> 2007 Dominion Magazine interview "Questioning Climate Politics"
Next, Dr. Rancourt's articles and views about climate science include the following (and the 2007 essay by David F. Noble):
A rigorous physics calculation of radiation balance on Earth, showing that several factors are much more important than CO2 in determining mean global surface temperature: LINK, PDF. And on ResearchGate: HERE.
2006 article "Global Warming is Causing Extinction of the Political Species": LINK.
2007 essay "Global warming: Truth or dare?": LINK.
2007 David F. Noble's important essay "The Corporate Climate Coup": LINK.
2010 essay "CO2 emission from fossil fuel burning is not more than from breathing": LINK.
2010 essay "Is the burning of fossil fuel a significant planetary activity?": LINK.
2011 essay "On the gargantuan lie of climate change science": LINK.
2013 essay "Wrongheadedness of scientific consensus fetishism in climate politics": LINK. And see "Scientific consensus fetishism in climate politics": LINK.
2014 essay "Climate science is a 'Zombie science'": LINK.
2014 book: Denis Rancourt's views are discussed in "Science and Political Controversy", by David E. Newton, ABC-CLIO, CA, 2014, ISBN 978-1-61069-319-6, in Chapter 3 "Perspectives", in the essay by A.J. Smuskiewicz "The Corruption of Climate Science By Leftist Politics", on pages 154-157.
2017 blogpost: "Can't leave scientists alone with science": LINK.
2018 blogpost: "My explanation of the global-warming 'pause' or 'hiatus'": LINK.
2018: My views are discussed in Marc Morano's book "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change" (RegneryPublishing, 2018), for example, on pages 131-132.
2019: “Geo-Economics and Geo-Politics Drive Successive Eras of Predatory Globalization and Social Engineering: Historical emergence of climate change, gender equity, and anti-racism as State doctrines”, by Denis G. Rancourt, Ontario Civil Liberties Association, OCLA Report 2019-1, April 2019, http://ocla.ca/OCLA_Report_2019-1/
2019: A petition against climate nonsense in municipal politic. "There is no evidence for a "climate emergency". Stop the nonsense.", http://chng.it/WHYjVY6q85
2019 article: "From Dollar Hegemony to Global Warming: Globalization, Glyphosate and Doctrines of Consent" interviewed by Colin Todhunter. LINK. LINK. LINK.
2019 Vlog video: "There Is No Climate Emergency - by Denis Rancourt", LINK.
2019 Vlog video: "Please stop with the climate believer slogans - by Denis Rancourt", LINK
2019 Two recent featured video interviews of Denis Rancourt, in which the climate topic was unavoidable, LINK
2019 article: "Dear True Environmentalists: Fight Corporate Criminality, not Atmospheric Gases", Dissident Voice, 3 October 2019. LINK. And on Climate Depot: HERE.
2019 interview: "Greta Thunberg is 'The Face of Foreign Intervention' in 2019 Canadian Federal Election - Pundit", Sputnik International, 24 October 2019. LINK.
2019 article (big-picture social analysis view of climate propaganda): "Dear Young Progressives: The White-Supremacist Anti-Immigration Anti-Political-Correctness Free-Speech Fascists Are Your Friends ---- Tectonic Shifts Unnerve Both Factions of the USA Ruling Elite", Dissident Voice, 21 November 2019. LINK.
2019 video-interview: "Denis Rancourt and Tony Heller agreeing on climate (20 December 2019)", on BitChute. LINK. And on YouTube: LINK.
2020 video-interview: "I tried: Denis Rancourt and Stephen Wells argue climate physics" of 17 January 2020, on YouTube: LINK.
See other and recent blogposts on my climate blog: LINK. And on my climate Facebook group: LINK.
2012 European cable TV interview/debate:
Two-part 2015 lecture at the University of Ottawa: Part-1:
2010 YouTube cfact interview:
Radio interviews of Denis Rancourt with climate experts:
2011 CHUO 89.1 FM radio interview with Professor Raymond Pierrehumbert: LINK
2011 CHUO 89.1 FM radio interview with Professor Richard Lindzen: LINK.
2012 CHUO 89.1 FM radio interview with Dr. Bob Carter: LINK.
2012 CHUO 89.1 FM radio interview with Dr. Tim Ball: LINK.
2012 CHUO 89.1 FM radio interview with Dr. Denis Rancourt: LINK. (General discussion about science, climate comment starts at 48m30s.)